11:03 | 27.06.18 | News | 8221

    16 startups to compete in the final of Innovation Matching Grants competition

    The final stage of EU-supported Innovation Matching Grants competition will be held on June 29, from 10:00 to 19:00, at Vanadzor Technology Center (VTC).

    The 16 shortlisted startups who have undergone the process of pre-selection, excessive trainings and mentorship will participate at the final competition aimed at supporting business development and innovation and will present their innovative ideas to the jury. The winning startups will be provided with seed funding of 35.000 EUR, mentorship, linkages with potential investors, and expertise in user-centered innovation commercialization strategies.

    The award ceremony will take place on June 29, from 19:00 to 21:00, at Vanadzor Technology Center. Up to 9 grants will be provided with a project duration of 9 months.

    The Innovation Matching Grants competition is implemented by Enterprise Incubator Foundation in the scope of the "Support to SME development in Armenia (EU-SMEDA)" project, which is co-funded by European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by GIZ in the scope of "Private Sector Development in South Caucasus" regional programme.