11:46 | 23.11.17 | News | 22127

Beeline Armenia sums up the first stage of its global transformation

Beeline Armenia is summing up the first stage of the global transformation within the company.

In particular, Beeline Armenia reduced operation costs, transformed the corporative culture, installed modern technical equipment in the offices and customer care centers, improved logistics, introduced such global tools as GSS and HUB, and created expert centers like IT Hub, opened in Armenia.

“Telecommunications companies worldwide are facing the same challenge of finding a place in the new digital world. We are certain we’ll be able to meet the demands of the 235 million customers of our group with the new direction of business. That’s why we are switching to digital platforms to organize work within the company and focusing on providing digital services of new generation to our customers,” said VEON Group Chief Performance Officer Alexander Matuschka.

“We treat the transformation within our company with the utmost seriousness, and we decided to involve all staffers in the transformation process as the first step towards new business models. I think it makes sense to switch to modern project management models by the agile and lean methods,” said Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin.

“For several months now, our company holds #BeTheChange competition. The participating teams were formed from staffers of different departments, who develop transformation-oriented projects. In this way we solve two issues: establish the precedent of working by agile method and find solutions for various problems. The teams with best solutions will get substantial money prizes,” said Arshak Muradyan, Head of Transformation Department at Beeline Armenia.