16:18 | 10.11.17 | News | 22371

    Beeline to participate in Occupational Safety Week

    Beeline Armenia in partnership with Republican Union of Employers of Armenia holds a “Safe workplace is our mission” week.

    In one-week period, students and graduates of Armenian colleges will get acquainted with the experiences of major companies in the sector of occupational safety, such as Beeline Armenia and Coca-Cola Hellenic Armenia.
    “The occupational safety week is held for the first time in Armenia, and we are happy to be a part of this event. We attach special importance to the safety of our employees, and today we are pleased to share our experience with Armenian youth and insure their lives and health as much as possible.” Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin said.

    “All our employees regularly pass trainings on safety at workplace. I am convinced that the experience of occupational safety specialists from our company will be useful for all the participants of the program,” said Maria Igityan, Head of Human Resource Management and Organizational Development at Beeline Armenia.