17:15 | 30.08.17 | News | 25680

    Rostelecom prepares presents for children from Hrazdan dormitories

    Ahead of September 1, Armenian Red Cross Society and Rostelecom provided children from dormitories in Hrazdan with school bags and stationery. The presents were prepared within the frames of “Psycho-Social support to children and lonely refugee elderly” program.

    “September 1 is a special day for everyone especially children. It is the start of new achievements, knowledge and discoveries. I hope these gifts from us and Armenian Red Cross Society will encourage children to start this new academic year with enthusiasm, smiles and excellent grades,” Rostelecom Armenia CEO Hayk Faramazyan said.

    “Psycho-Social support to children and lonely refugee elderly” program restarted in February, 2015. It is aims at social integration and improvement of the living conditions of lonely refugee elderly and children. The program already involves 80 children (aged 7-14), 120 lonely elderly people and 34 volunteers supporting the implementation process.