09:45 | 02.08.17 | News | exclusive 23476

    Moovie tests language of choice technology for cinemas

    Moovie startup organized a screening of Game of Thrones latest episode at the American University of Armenia to test a new technology. Film lovers were able to watch the episode with simultaneously streaming Russian and English audio.

    The app is designed to allow viewers to watch the film with headphones, picking audio in one of the languages available at the given cinema.

    Moovie startup Karen Galstyan told Itel.am that their technology synchronizes the video and audio files to ensure viewing in real time.

    “I have many friends who live in Armenia and regularly go the cinema, but they don’t speak Russian, while most foreign films are screened in Russian in Armenia. Cinemas also have screenings in English, but those are scheduled at inconvenient times. Such issues exist not only in Armenia, but other countries as well,” he noted.

    According to Karen Galstyan, they’re testing the business idea now to see if it’s realistic.

    “We organized the screening at the American University to see how the idea goes in real life. We’ll try to collect feedback and figure out if people are interested. Soon we’ll launch the app. We haven’t discussed cooperation with the cinemas directly as we first want to have an operating service and introduce it to potential clients,” said Moovie founder.

    Narine Daneghyan