17:15 | 20.07.17 | News | 35148

VivaCell-MTS supports construction of a house in Katnaghbyur

In the course of a regular visit on a family need assessment task two months ago the “Fuller Center for Housing Armenia” gladly surprised the Baghdasaryan family living in Katnaghbyur village of Aragatsotn region by informing that it was included in the center’s housing project.

For many years, Haykaram, the family’s father, his wife and their three sons, have had to live with his parents, and rent a half-ruined apartment of a co-villager. Due to social conditions, the construction of the half-built house would not progress and would continue to remain a dream.

The unfinished building will soon become a real home; the construction works of the house are vigorously continuing. The representatives of the partnering organizations, VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian and the “Fuller Center for Housing Armenia” team, who have made volunteerism as a value system, also participated in the construction works.

“I can't believe that this is reality. This building already looks like a house... It has doors, windows and it has a roof. Your today’s help is so unexpected and to the point, so important and invaluable. I am so grateful for stretching us a helping hand,” said Haykaram.

The purpose of each investment is to help the families living in desperate conditions to overcome them. The results show that the housing project succeeds in performing its mission. Within the six years of cooperation, the partnering organizations have solved the housing problem of 149 families, contributing to the wellbeing of the families and creating basis for the families to raise their children in a healthy environment.

“If we want to have developed rural communities, we have to be ready to support our compatriots to rise. With broken heart, with no perspective for the coming day, a hopeless person is helpless no matter at what age. One of the crucial features of this program is that it lets people in regions settle the years-long problems which seemed unmanageable with dignity. I am happy to see yet another family enthusiastically building its dream home. We have readily joined in the construction works. And this is just another way to strengthen people’s faith in future,” said VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian.

“One of the specifics of the project is that the family is doing the construction works on its own. It not only greatly reduces the cost of the construction works but also stimulates the family not to leave the home built with their own hands. This is evidenced by years of our experience,” said the “Fuller Center for Housing Armenia” President Ashot Yeghiazaryan.

In 2017 VivaCell-MTS has invested AMD 25 mln for the implementation of the housing project.