15:40 | 15.06.17 | News | 19249

Beeline to provide Armath labs with Wi-Fi equipment

Beeline will provide students of Armath engineering labs with over 1000 pieces of Wi-Fi equipment. That will enable the students to do a number of engineering tasks and create freely.

Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin and Union of Information Technology Enterprises (UITE) Executive Director Karen Vardanyan informed the press about that today.

“Modern technologies, education, and support for the youth are three main directions of Beeline’s corporate social activity. I’m happy the Armath project includes all three and I’m certain our equipment will help the students of Armath engineering labs to develop professional skills and change their lives for the better,” said Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin.

Armath laboratories operate as extracurricular, free-of-charge clubs. The students of schools that don’t have labs yet can attend Armath clubs in adjacent districts.