17:52 | 16.02.17 | News | 16152

Ucom lab opens in Polytechnic University of Armenia

Ucom General Director Hayk Yesayan and Rector of the National Polytechnic University of Armenia Vostanik Marukhyan launched today the opening of Ucom computer and network technologies laboratory.

The lab’s purpose is to prepare future specialist that can join the ranks of Ucom technical staff.

“Network technologies experts are in the highest demand these days in the telecommunications sector especially, so this newly opened university lab should become a forge of some sort for all students who see their future among our technical staff. The education program upheld in the Polytechnic University will perform as a base for acquiring specialized professional knowledge and working skills in the lab. All of that is an important precondition for finding a job in the ever-growing telecommunications sector,” said Ucom General Director Hayk Yesayan.

Ucom also informs that soon the company will launch a support program for newly graduated students.