11:12 | 16.11.16 | News | 13222

VivaCell-MTS supports housewarming of 3 families in Shirak marz

It is already the fifth year of the housing project financed by VivaCell-MTS and implemented by Fuller Center for Housing. Over these years, 135 families from ten regions of Armenia have considerably improved their life quality and live in decent housing conditions.

The heads and employees of partnering organizations visited the Torosyan family of Nahapetavan village, Shirak region to share the happiness of the young family. Owing to the project, the Torosyans have fully renovated their house and made it their dream home.

“For years I had dreamt of having a comfortable house, and the hope that the dream could ever come true was all but little. I want to express my deepest gratitude for making the future of my family so bright, decent and safe,'' said Rudik, the father of the family.

In the frames of housing project 2016, three families have received support in the following communities of Shirak region: the city of Gyumri, the villages of Nahapetavan and Saralanj.

“Everyone can be useful in something. The important things here are the accurate evaluation of one’s limits and the unity. The path we have passed and the results we have recorded together are the proof of it. This program has received both material support and physical aid from various families and volunteers from many organizations. VivaCell-MTS and the Fuller Center for Housing could implement programs separately, but unity is productive in terms of both successful cooperation and the number of people receiving support. This cooperation is worth it. And the greatest happiness is to see our compatriots solving their problems,” said VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian.

“Fall is the harvest time of our work when after the construction year we can  not only ease the burden of the families but also share with them their happiness. Every time, participating in a housewarming of a family I get more and more convinced that together we can make a difference not only for the families but also for the community and for the Homeland,’’ said Fuller Center for Housing Armenia President Ashot Yeghiazaryan.

In the current year, VivaCell-MTS has allocated AMD 105 million for the implementation of the housing project. The amount allocated in five years is over AMD 333 million.