10:39 | 14.11.16 | News | 11091

The winners of Smarter Armenia’16 Hackathon are revealed

Results of two-day Smarter Armenia’16 Hackathon, in which 13 teams participated, were summed up at newly-opened Innovative Solutions and Technologies Center (ISTC) (in Armenian) on November 11.

Based on the scores of the expert jury, which included representatives of GNC-ALFA (Rostelecom Armenia), Ingo Armenia Insurance, Ardshinbank, IBM and Granatus Ventures, the winning teams received awards in the following five categories:
-    Best Solution in Telecommunications – presented to Triple-E team with a cash award of USD 1000 (sponsored by Rostelecom);
-    Best Solution in Finance – presented to Finely team with a cash award ofUSD1000 (sponsored by Ardshinbank);
-    Best Solution in Healthcare – presented to Yamaka team with a cash award of USD 1000 (jointly sponsored by Ingo Armenia Insurance and the Enterprise Incubator Foundation);
-    Special prize for the most innovative solution with IBM Bluemix – presented to ArmSol team with a cash award of USD 500 (sponsored by ISTC);
-    Special prize for the best appof IBM Watson and Bluemix– Worst ever and ArmSol teams will be nominated for IBM Global Entrepreneur Program and receive IBM Cloud usage credits up to the equivalent of USD 120 000.

Smarter Armenia’16 Hackathon is organized in Armenia for the first time, byInnovative Solutions and Technologies Center (ISTC), IMB, Enterprise Incubator Foundation and USAID.

The Innovative Solutions and Technologies Center (ISTC), which is aimed at incorporation of latest technologies in Armenia, is a joint project of IBM, USAID, Yerevan State University, the Government of Armenia, and the Enterprise Incubator Foundation.