18:04 | 30.08.16 | News | 13822

    Beeline to teach young entrepreneurs to turn ideas into projects

    An education program is launched within Eurasia Mobile Challenge innovative contest in cooperation with Beeline Vector online school.

    Participants who register their ideas on eurasiamobilechallenge.com until October 15 will be allowed to take two education classes for free.

    Especially for Eurasia Mobile Challenge participants, Vector experts chose two classes.

    The first class titled “How to create mobile app” is designed for those who intend to turn their ideas into application but are inexperienced in it.

    The second class titled “Financial literacy for entrepreneurs” will teach how to choose the best model for realization of an idea, as well as help to form a business plan and establish ties with investors and banks.

    Participants need to register here to take part in the competition and get discount for Vector online school classes.

    The deadline for registration is October 15.