16:54 | 03.08.16 | News | 6609

Beeline prepares surprises for PokemonGo lovers

Beeline will activate Lure Module for PokemonGo at 10:00-22:00, August 4 and 5 near Beeline service and sales center, North Avenue.

“As an innovative communications operator, Beeline follows international tendencies of digital world and presents nice surprises for the subscribers. Everyone, who plays PokemonGo- a game that became popular within millions in no time, can come to our service and sales center in North Avenue and try to catch new Pokemons, including rare ones”, said Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin.

Beeline also announced that the company will give subscribers the opportunity to receive newsfeed on PokemonGo game official launch in Armenia. Every subscriber will receive special present from Beeline after the launch.