11:21 | 20.06.16 | News | 5432

Ucom launches «Cooperation Conference 2016»

This is the second time that Ucom initiates the three-day «Cooperation Conference 2016» that is being held on June 19-21 in Tsaghkadzor and brings together the international experts in TV production and content.

The goal of the conference is to foster the continuous cooperation between Armenian and international television content suppliers and encourage the exchange of experience. This year the local experts in television production will discuss the problems and challenges, as well as the needs and opportunities of the field with the representatives, responsible for the TV-content of such channels as Discovery Channels, Euronews, National Geographic, Nat Geo Wild, Bridge TV, Rusong TV, Russian Travel Guide, ТВЦ International.

During these three days the representatives from the National Television and Radio Commission and other governmental and non-governmental organizations will take part in the idea exchange.

«The analog television is a history now, while the digital one is a technological solution, enabling new features and constant improvement. Along with the technological development it is extremely important for the television content to evolve as well. The conference will trigger the discussions linked to the broadcast rights of the content, the volume and format of it and other related topics”, said Alexander Yesayan, the Director of Business Development in Ucom.