13:19 | 01.06.16 | News | 5982

Beeline supports charitable concert of the Mirzoyan String Quartet

A charitable concert of the Edvard Mirzoyan Quartet, dedicated to International Children’s Day, took place today at Alexander Tamanyan Research Museum-Institute with the support of Beeline.

“I congratulate children on the occasion of this wonderful bright holiday, and I wish all their days to be filled with positive emotions and smiles. Beeline always keeps children in the centre of its attention, and we are happy to support events that help make children’s lives better and build good future for them,” noted Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin.

The framework of charitable events at the museum included opening of Ayb School, IQ kindergarten, and the exhibition of children’s artwork from My Way rehabilitation center of the National Autism Fund, which will work until June 15.