12:42 | 29.03.16 | News | 2826

    Armenian monuments’ digitalization program needs help

    Tumo stated that the initiative aims to digitize, document and disseminate sites of cultural heritage.

    “We need your help to keep this cutting edge program alive and thriving. The goal is to collectively provide the necessary funding to buy a 3d scanner that is necessary for documenting these sites. The resulting data will be freely available to the public and will become a gift for future generations of Armenians and non-Armenians alike. If you would like to learn more about the project, or wish to contribute to its success, please visit www.armenia3d.org”, Tumo notes.

    In order to implement the project, Los Angeles library Armenian community gathered a number of Armenian-American scientists on Sunday March 13.

    “By utilizing state-of-the-art technologies in 3D documentation, this proposed project will not only safeguard the blueprints of these heritage sites for generations to come, but will also provide Armenian and non-Armenian students across the world with the opportunity to go on a virtual pilgrimage which will showcase the documented heritage sites through immersive virtual tours and educational content” the statement says.

    It should be recalled that the first collaborative project between TUMO and CyArk was implemented in January, 2015 at the historic, Monastery of Geghard.

    Inspired by the success of this pilot, TUMO has decided to expand the program by scanning existing Armenian sites in Armenia and surrounding countries.