Robert Levonyan
07:36 | 14.03.16 | Articles | exclusive 15487
A2B Transport application has been launched, which allows to find Yerevan transport routes (for buses, trolleybuses, minibuses).
The app’s creator Robert Levonyan told that the main goal is to help people easily find transport routes.
“When I was just learning Android programming a year ago, I thought we needed to develop such an application. It’d be useful, as many people approach others at stops and ask what transport goes to the given place. Passengers have to read texts in small print on minibuses or buses, and ask drivers. I thought that it’d be great to create an application that will answer that kind of questions in order to avoid these problems,” told Robert Levonyan.
According to him, market research clarified that similar applications or websites exist but aren’t quite convenient to use.
“I decided that we should emphasize the convenience. I started interface design and did programming simultaneously. A friend of mine, Ani, suggested to make changes in the interface and add new different colour solutions at that time. We got to work together and created the current design in about a week. We also decided to replace standard icons with those we created. Ani drew then, taking for inspiration the colours of Yerevan public transport: violet for buses, yellow for minibuses, green for trolleybuses,” noted Robert Levonyan.
According to him, the initial version of the app only allowed correct navigation in choosing transport routes, but later an opportunity to view details of the route you choose was added.
“Now we’re working on maps, which will allow to see the chosen route on the map, as well as search the given route. We’ll also make it possible to establish location automatically. Thus, the app will determine what stop is the closest to you at the moment, if you wish. We’ll also add functions to determine arrival time, as well as give access to Android Wear system,” stressed the app’s creator.
The mobile app now includes the majority of Yerevan routes. International routes will be added in the future.
“It’s possible that we add maps of other Armenian cities, where systematized transport network works. We’ll have iOS, Windows Mobile and Web versions as well,” concluded Robert Levonyan.
Narine Daneghyan