15:25 | 09.02.16 | News | 5214

Orange Armenia encourages safe internet use

Today more than 100 countries are celebrating Safe Internet Day. On the occasion of this day, for the fifth time in a row, Orange Armenia, “Safe Internet Committee of Armenia” and “Media Education Center” NGOs are initiating the “Safe Internet Armenia” large-scale project aiming to make Internet safer for children.

 In the scope of “Safe Internet Armenia” project more than 3000 pupils of 150 schools will participate in open lessons and will receive relevant information and educational materials on the safe Internet use. In addition, meetings with parents will be organized, during which issues and risks related to safe Internet use will be discussed and full information on technical solutions, making Internet safer for children, will be provided.

“The number of Internet users is increasing on a daily basis in Armenia: Internet plays an influential role in our everyday life. Increasing accessibility of the Internet, indeed, provides wide opportunities for education and development, however at the same time it creates a need to pay more attention to the problem of making the Internet safer for children. For this reason already for the fifth year in a row together with our partners we are initiating this project, aimed at educating Internet users and improving protection of children against undesirable web content,” said Tigran Safaryan, Marketing Director of Orange Armenia.

This year, besides the events directed towards safe internet use, the “Safe Internet Armenia” project also features an educational component. In order to make the time children spent in the web more both interesting and useful, in the scope of the project it’s planned to create www.edublogs.am educational portal, where pupils may find a variety of educational materials, watch lesson recordings, follow topical blogs created by teachers, etc. Classes on blog creation and Scrom standards will be held for 100 teachers from Yerevan and regional schools.

“Practice shows that the use of IT technologies in a teaching process boosts positive content use. Children actively using IT technologies are able to overcome web risks and withstand its possible negative impact more easily,” said Narine Khachatryan, “Safe Internet Armenia” project coordinator.

Necessary information and advice on safe internet use can be found at www.safe.am.

“Safe Internet” project is dedicated to the International Safe Internet Day, celebrated since 2004 on the 2nd day of the 2nd week of the 2nd month of each year. The pan-European INSAFE initiative, which is enlarging its borders year by year, is gathering people together to combat unlawful, harmful and irrelevant content.