16:22 | 11.09.15 | News | 4722

VivaCell-MTS sets up fiber-optic network at the Zoo

Yerevan Zoo hosted an event, which officially announced the launch of fiber-optical network and expansion of the high-speed internet access zone at the Zoo area.

VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian, the Deputy Mayor of Yerevan Aram Sukiasyan and the Director of Yerevan Zoo Ruben Khachatryan attended the event.

The organizers highlighted the informational and educational purposes of the initiative. Thanks to the generous support of Armenia's leading telecommunications operator VivaCell-MTS the free Wi-Fi access will offer the visitors electronic guidelines and interactive maps in addition to printed factsheets.

The high speed Wi-Fi connection will give an opportunity to visit Yerevan Zoo website and read the updated news, as well as watch the latest videos featuring the Zoo and its inhabitants.

The deployment of Fiber-Optical network throughout the whole Zoo area will also allow for accessing QR codes on animal factsheets (three-dimensional or matrix barcode). Visitors with corresponding software can get multi-format information about the animals within seconds. Separate audio packages will be elaborated for persons with visual disabilities. The network deployment was carried out owing to AMD 3.8 million personal donation made by Ralph Yirikian, who was guided by the principle of volunteering, another underlying value that the company encourages among its employees and society at large. The FPWC also participated the project, by contributed an equal amount – AMD 3.8 million.

Furthermore, the fiber-optical network development will contribute to raising the level of animal care. The availability of the network will enable installation of online cameras throughout the Zoo, providing constant control over the animals, while the video materials will be used for scientific and educational purposes.

“Owing to the recent improvements undertaken at Yerevan Zoo, it has transformed into an educational and ecological hub where children learn to take care of nature and animals, enrich their knowledge of wildlife, participate in events fostering creativity and healthy lifestyle as well as watch educational films. For the proper organization of these events and for turning the Zoo into a more tech-friendly environment, reliable Internet connection is needed. As an individual I’m more than sure that it’s worth supporting the innovative initiatives of the Yerevan Zoo for the benefit of Armenian children by rolling out fiber-optical network aimed at significantly expanding the area of Wi-Fi connectivity provided to the visitors for free and also using online cameras across the whole territory of the Zoo”, VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian commented.