13:38 | 08.07.15 | News | 3377

    Long-distance calls in Beeline landline network are free of charge

    Beeline informed that starting July 1 long-distance calls in Beeline landline network are free of charge.

    The minutes are included in the free talk-time, which is monthly available for individuals and legal entities who are subscribers of “Base 1” and “Base 2” landline network tariff plan. After using the 360 or 1600 minutes of free monthly limit, long-distance calls will be tariffed at AMD 5 per minute.

    “Beeline strives to make its services most simple, affordable and convenient for its subscribers. From now on, our landline subscribers will have monthly six hours of free talk-time in Beeline network in the entire territory of Armenia, while calls to other landline networks in Armenia and NKR will cost just AMD 5 per minute. Beeline landline network offers beneficial and convenient communication,” said Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin.

    After using the free minutes, all local outgoing and long-distance calls will come at AMD 5 per minute in Beeline network. Calls to the landline networks of other landline networks in Armenia and NKR will also come at AMD 5 per minute.