16:11 | 01.08.13 | News | 3996

    DigiCamp IT camp starts in Tsakhkadzor today

    "DigiCamp" summer IT camp will be hold in Tsakhkadzor on August 1-10.

    The event is organized by the Union of IT Enterprises (UITE) and ArmenTel (Beeline brand) is the general sponsor, the UITE reported.

    The event aims to unite innovative young people, create a motivating and educational ambience, motivate them to implement their own projects and start up their business.

    During DigiCamp, the participants will get acquainted with the leaders of the sphere, will listen to their success stories and discover the keys to success of leading companies. They will also be able to take part in the classes of the professionals of the field and acquire practical skills such as registration of a new company, tax legislation, business planning, promotion of start-ups etc.

    The participants will have 10 days to develop their idea with the help of the specialists' advice and work out a business plan for implementation.

    The  camp will host 16-30-year-old young people who presented an idea of innovative business solution. The authors of the best ideas will be awarded money prizes and will be able to take part in business-development events particularly DigiTec 2013 international technological exhibition due to be held on October 4-6.

    The program is also supported by D-Link and Youth Foundation of Armenia.