16:06 | 16.07.13 | News | 3901

    ArmenTel reduces price for calls to Russia by over 3-fold

    "ArmenTel" (Beeline trademark) announced the reduction of the price for 1 minute of outgoing call to Russia from Beeline landline network within "World of Armenians" service.

    Subscribers of Beeline landline network in Armenia may call to landline networks of Russian Federation at AMD16 per minute of talk instead of former AMD50, the company reported.

    "ArmenTel" continues the process of revision and simplification of tariff in all the business areas. We strive to make our offers simple, accessible and available to a broad scope of our customers. The new special approach to the company's tariff policy allows offering subscribers not only profitable prices for talking in Armenia but also the chance to connect with those who are away", noted the company's CEO Andrey Pyatakhin.

    "World of Armenians" service allows making international calls at profitable prices. You can use the service texting *88*00 [the country code] [the code of the settlement] [the phone code]. The service is available only for individuals.