15:15 | 27.06.13 | News | 4164
Newly appointed CEO of ArmenTel (Beeline trademark) Andrey Pyatakhin stated in Yerevan today that “we will be aggressively developing our business, introducing modern technologies and management solutions”.
Speaking at his first press conference in Yerevan, Andrey Pyatakhin stated that the company will start a new policy of social corporate responsibility and will pay special attention to the quality of subscriber servicing.
Andrey Pyatakhin said that ArmenTel's rich experience and technological basis suggest its “huge potential” which should be developed. “Armenia is a highly competitive market that's why we should focus on quality servicing. Customer is “our all” both in the landline and mobile communication and internet. We want to mainly focus on the satisfaction of our customers”, said Andrey Pyatakhin.
According to him, the company will more actively focus on the mobile internet service which is the most rapidly growing segment of the market. At the same time, Andrey Pyatakhin pointed out the quality of mobile internet in Armenia noting that “not all the European countries have such a quality of the service”.
Andrey Pyatakhin pointed out introduction of TV services as his personal priority task in the post of the ArmenTel CEO. Answering the question why the company hasn’t provided the IPTV service till now, Andrey Pyatakhin confessed he gave the same question to the company's associates on the very first working day as ArmenTel CEO.
“We will try to do it [launch TV services] as soon as possible”, said Andrey Pyatakhin.
Mediamax notes that in January 2011, Pyatakhin's predecessor in the post Igor Klimko said that the company actively tested the IPTV service. He noted that “the commercial launch of the service will take place when the quality of IPTV meets the high quality standards”.
Commenting on the introduction of mobile number portability (MNP) service in Armenia in 2014, Andrey Pyatakhin welcomed this innovation noting the necessity of “very good preparation”. “I have observed the MNP introduction in many countries and often the first negative practice failed the service. That's why good preparation is a must”, noted ArmenTel CEO.