04:08 | 07.11.12 | News | 4335

    “ArmenTel”: The experience of MNP introduction is contoversial

    Yerevan/Mediamax/. “ArmenTel” CEO Igor Klimko said today that the company is considering the issue of introduction of Mobile Number Portability (MNP) system in Armenia.

    Addressing a press conference in Yerevan today, Igor Klimko said that the international experience of introduction of MNP is controversial.

    “There are countries where this service is already in big demand and has made its contribution to the development of the sphere. However, there are countries where the service played a negative role in the development of operators and telecommunication industry. In my opinion, the introduction of MNP was not so successful in neighboring Georgia, whose market is very similar to ours,” Igor Klimko noted.

    “ArmenTel” CEO also spoke about the possible entrance of the 4th mobile operator to the Armenian market.
    “The development of mobile communication in Armenia is at a very high level. According to our assessments, the level of penetration of mobile communication in Armenia already makes 135%. I don’t know how expedient it is to enter such a saturated market,” Igor Klimko sad.