00:36 | 19.10.12 | News | 2090

Thanks to donations by Orange customers and the Orange Foundation two more children to return home

Yerevan/Mediamax/. The Orange Foundation and World Vision Armenia announced the September results of the joint SMS charity project “Let’s Keep Children Home”.

This project gives the chance to every Orange customer to support Armenian children, whose families, due to financial difficulties, deliver them to the care of state institutions.

In September Orange customers have donated a total of 299 600 AMD. As in the case of previous months, the Orange Foundation in its turn will double the money donated by the customers all together and transfer 599 200 AMD to World Vision Armenia to be used by the latter to help a family living in Syunik region. The family consists of a young mother and 2 children. Due to tough social conditions Shoghik, the mother of these 2 children, has had to deliver her 13-year-old daughter and 14-year-old son to the care of a state institution. With the donated amount necessary equipment for confectionery production at home will be acquired, thus enabling Shoghik to earn money and keep her children home.

“Since launch of this project over 5800 customers have made donations, and many of them have donated more than once. We thank all our customers, who have particiapted to this initiative. The Orange Foundation has doubled the money donated by each of them. We call on our customers to donate again 100 or 500 AMD, as thanks to the donations to be made in October one more child will return home,” said Francis Gelibter, Chairman of the Board of the Orange Foundation in Armenia.

Orange customers can help the families in need by sending SMS to 1234 and 5678 short numbers and donating 100 and 500 AMD correspondingly.