13:54 | 26.01.12 | News | 3882

    ArmenTel studies the issue of MNP introduction in Armenia

    Yerevan/Mediamax/. ArmenTel (Beeline trademark) considers within the company the issue of introduction of Mobile Number Portability system (MNP) in Armenia which allows the subscriber not to change the phone number in case of changing the operator.

    ArmenTel’s spokeswoman Anush Begloyan said this in her interview to Mediamax.

    Executive Vice President of France Telecom Europe Benoît Scheen stated in Yerevan on January 25 that the introduction of the MNP system and assistance of the Ministry of Transport and Communication to this issue is very important. Minister of Transport and Communication Manuk Vardanyan offered in reply to establish a joint task force which will study the issue taking into account the legislative practice of the European countries and interests of other operators.

    “The issue of introducing the MNP is rather a difficult one and it should involve both state structures and telecommunication operators. The issue is included by the Public Services Regulatory Commission into the list of actions for 2012. The Commission holds consultations with all the operators and has sent a relevant request to ArmenTel. The issue is currently being examined inside the company in order for us to present our position to the Commission and interested persons”, said Anush Begloyan to Mediamax.