13:29 | 23.11.11 | News | 3246

    Catalogue of works dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Fridtjof Nansen published with the support of ArmenTel

    Yerevan/Mediamax/. The closing ceremony of an exhibition dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Fridtjof Nansen as well as the presentation of an illustrated catalogue of works devoted to the great humanist was held in Yerevan “Academy” Art Gallery.

    The illustrated edition, published with the support of “ArmenTel” company, comprises 48 works of Armenian classics and contemporary artists, who were presented at the exhibition, dedicated to Noble Prize Peace laureate, scientist, polar explorer and Armenia’s friend.

    “The corporate social responsibility strategy of “ArmenTel” focuses on programs aimed at the support and development of culture and education. They are all united under one slogan – “Bright future with Beeline”. I believe the Armenian people will remember Nansen over many centuries and the book will be a guide for the growing generation. It will help our children feel deeper the greatness of deeds of the outstanding humanist and pass his heritage on to his descendants,” said Igor Klimko, “ArmenTel” CEO.