17:07 | 05.09.11 | News | 4398

Beeline sponsors a contest devoted to the 20th anniversary of Armenia’s independence and 5000th anniversary of Armenian statehood

Yerevan/Mediamax/. ArmenTel (Beeline trademark) has become the general sponsor of the 2nd All-Armenian “Armenian Statehood: 5000 Year –Old and 20 Year-Old” junior painting contest-festival.

243 best thematic works are presented in Yerevan Children’s Art Gallery at 13 Abovyan street.

All in all, over 1000 schoolchildren and students from 20 countries of the world submitted their works for participation in the contest-festival.  The contest is organized by the Armenian Ministry of Education and Science.

“Today’s event is momentous as not only does it unite the Armenian youth from two dozens of countries in the year of the 20th anniversary of Armenia’s Independence but also allows children, boys and girls, all the participants, to take an excursus into the history of over 50 centuries of one of the most ancient countries of the world. ArmenTel is delighted to support the contest-festival again”, noted ArmenTel CEO Igor Klimko.

You can find more information on the works and vote for them here http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.154219997997508.38827.147627248656783&type=1
