16:35 | 03.05.11 | News | 3577

Internet tariffs in NKR decreased more than tenfold

Yerevan/Mediamax/. Since May 1, 2011, tariff packages with monthly unlimited traffic of internet access are in effect, the prices of which are ten times less expensive, as compared to the previous ones.

Mediamax was informed on this in the Public Services Regulatory Commission (PSRC) of Armenia, which noted that such significant changes became possible as a result of cooperation and necessary technical solutions of Public Services Regulatory Commissions of Armenia and the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR).

The Commission noted that as of the data of October 1, 2010, the average price for flow of international IP transit of internet with the speed of 1MB/sec made AMD 268 252, which, due to the new networks of international IP transit connection networks, supplied in NKR, at the moment has reduced almost 5 times.

PSRC also informed on reduction of tariffs for other services in NKR telecommunication sphere (landline connection tariffs reduced by 30-47%, mobile connection tariffs reduced by 30-51%, and internet access tariffs (megabyte tariffs) reduced by 54%).

For contribution to formation of the state regulatory institute in the sphere of public services of NKR, as well as for assistance as to the issue of regulating the sphere of electronic communications, Armenian PSRC member Samvel Arabajyan is awarded NKR Prime Minister’s medal, and the Head of Telecommunication Department Gevorg Gevorgyan is awarded diploma of NKR government.