18:12 | 20.04.11 | News | 3059

    Orange decreases tariffs for off-net calls

    Yerevan/Mediamax/. Orange today announced about several changes in the tariff plans of Let’s Talk prepaid service.

    From now on, Orange Let’s Talk customers can call customers of other operators in Armenia and in Artsakh at new and lower rates. The price of one minute of off-net audio or video call for “My Friends”, “My Time”, “My Numbers” and “My Country”, including Artsakh numbers will be 35 AMD instead of previous 40.

    The tariff plan “Start” has been renamed to “My Country”, and the customers of this tariff plan, as previously, will call to all Orange customers at 5AMD/min rate, when being outsiade Yerevan, Gumri and Vanadzor.

    Changes have been introduced into the tariff plan “My Numbers”. From now on, customers of this tariff plan can choose 5 favorite numbers: 4 can be Orange numbers to which they will call at 5 AMD/min rate and one can be any number of Armenia or Artsakh, to which they will call at 25 AMD/min.

    Aram Mkrtchyan, Orange Armenia Marketing Director, said: “Our tariff plans are built in a way to have an offer to everyone in the country and all these changes have one goal: customize better our offers to the needs of different customers”.