12:02 | 07.07.10 | News | 3436
Yerevan/Mediamax/. Beeline launched “Aragatsotn”, “Ararat”, “Armavir”, “Gegharkunik” and “Kotayk” regional prepaid tariff plans for individuals.
Mediamax was informed in the press service of the company today that the tariff plans allow making calls inside Beeline mobile connection network for 9 AMD irrespective of the duration of the call.
“As the largest united telecommunication operator, our company contributes to even economic development of all regions of Armenia. After pilot launch of tariff plans in five regions of the republic, meeting the wishes of our subscribers halfway, we made the decision to spread this initiative over all marzes of the country”, General Director of “ArmenTel” Igor Klimko stated.
If the subscriber is out of the “home” region, the calls inside Beeline network are estimated according to the tariff of 19 AMD per minute. For subscribers of regional tariff plans, the cost of one minute of outgoing call to other mobile and landline networks of Armenia and NKR makes 39 AMD.
The cost of SMS inside Beeline network makes 9 AMD, and to numbers of other operators, including international ones, - 20 AMD. The cost of 1 Mb of upload/download data of GPRS internet makes 29 AMD.
The SIM card of a particular regional tariff plan can be purchased in sales and customer service offices of Beeline in the corresponding region.