17:08 | 24.03.20 | News | 101362
Due to the outbreak of coronavirus, Beeline Armenia has made the access to official websites of certain state bodies and websites of social significance free for mobile users (mobile internet users).
Information center for education management: https://emis.am
Armenian Educational Portal: https://www.armedu.am/index.php/en
Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Armenia: http://escs.am/en
Ministry of Health of Armenia: http://www.moh.am/#3/0
Yerevan Municipality: https://www.yerevan.am/en/
E-government of Armenia: https://www.e-gov.am/en/
The government of Armenia: https://www.gov.am/en/
Prime Minister of Armenia: https://www.primeminister.am/en/
President of Armenia: https://www.president.am/en/
Beeline has also made it free for fixed-line and mobile subscribers to call the Health Ministry hotlines at 8003, 010550601, and 060838300.