16:20 | 22.04.19 | News | 9158

Beeline’s PR manager conducts a lecture for postgraduates and PR school students

Beeline Armenia Head of PR Naira Nazaryan has given a lecture titled “PR and communication technologies” for the postgraduate students of YSU Faculty of Journalism and students of the PR school founded by Armenian PR Association.

She shared a number of professional secrets with the students, presented Beeline’s efforts in PR and their results, and shared her personal experience of achieving success and reaching goals.

“The significance of competent communication in public life and business is growing more by year, and for any company, it is important to have good experts. I am happy to share with you the experience and knowledge of Beeline, and I hope it will be useful for the students in their careers. Beeline is a large telecommunications company with vast experience in interacting with the public, increasing the visibility of its efforts, and promoting innovative ideas,” said Naira Nazaryan.

After the lecture, the students visited the communications museum of Beeline and learned about the development of telecommunications in Armenia.