13:57 | 22.02.19 | News | 9867
On February 19, Hayk Yesayan, the co-founder and Director General at Ucom, and Larisa Hovanisyan, the founder and head of “Teach for Armenia” foundation, conducted a discussion at the Tumo Center for Creative Technologies under the theme of “Technologies for Education”.
The speakers shared their experiences and thoughts on the importance of technology used in education and work, how to keep up with times, making the educational and work processes more effective. Over 100 young people, future and current startupers, students, experts in technical and educational spheres participated in the discussion.
“To begin with a startup one should have an idea that nobody believes in and diligently do his or her best to make that real”, shared his experience Hayk Yesayan, the Co-Founder and Director General at Ucom. “It is very important that the team you work with has the ability to look in the same direction, to understand each other’s thoughts and utterings, to be on the same educational level, to be self-motivated, and to have quick orientation in a changing environment; that team should be “crazy” in the good sense of the word”, he admitted.
“The field of education is specific, many things here require a more systematic approach. But over the years, we’ve been convinced that the more innovative and technologically equipped our actions are, the sooner we will be able to reach after the rapid development of the world. Our children should be taught right from the school how to apply the technologies to have educational excellence, which resources to use, how to search for the professional and other useful literature”, said Larisa Hovanisyan, the Founder and Head of “Teach for Armenia”.
Let us add, that the discussion series commenced last year during the regional school visits and will be ongoing.