09:00 | 18.04.15 | Articles | exclusive 4603
Early this year Microsoft Innovation Center Armenia had organized “MIC Acceleration” program in which seven local startups took part.
“MIC Acceleration” Demo Day will be held in April during which the teams will present to Armenian and foreign investors and entrepreneurs the results of the work they did over the past months.
Ahead of the Demo Day, MIC Armenia and Itel.am are sequentially introducing the development history of the seven startups.
Sphere: Sphere mobile app enables to orient in an alien environment, with the help of people around you.
It is available for Android-based devices. The iOS version will be released in around a month.
The app was developed by Minas Qeshishyan and Davit Khachatryan.
Having returned from Israel to Armenia in 2012 and seeing the support provided to local startups, Davit Khachatryan decided to stay in Armenia and continue his career in his motherland.
“I always wanted to create a social network, which would not just divide people into groups, like friends or friends of friends but would connect people, and thus, help them with their issues and enquires,” Davit Khachatryan told Itel.am.
In the premises of Microsoft Innovation Center he got acquainted with Minas Qeshishyan and told him about his idea. To turn the idea into reality they decided to apply for the “MIC Acceleration” program.
The app already has more than 500 active users.
Through the program, the founders of Sphere made connections with various startups in many countries, got acquainted with well-known specialists and received their feedback.
“To set up a team, we are currently seeking funding. The efforts the app requires increase on daily basis and therefore it’s getting harder for us two to manage it. The team we are planning to set up will ensure the regular development of the app,” noted Davit Khachatryan.
It should be noted that initially the app was named Ask On’Fly. Itel.am’s article on it is available here.